Microsoft Publisher 2007
Create a folder on your desktop and name it Print Job. With your Publisher file open go to the File drop down menu and select Pack and Go. Select the Take to a Commercial Printing Service... option. This will open the Take to a Commercial Printing Service task pane. In the "How will this publication be printed?" drop down, make sure Commercial Press is selected. Take note of any issues in the window below. In the Export section at the bottom, check both boxes. Click Save.

Fill in the radio button below A:\, select Browse... and select the folder you created on your desktop. Click Finish. Check the box marked Print a composite proof and click OK once it has been packaged successfully. This will create a .zip file in the folder you created earlier. Put all of those files on a disk to bring with you with your printed composite.
Where's my program?
There are other programs that will assist you in packaging your file. Also, even if your program will not, there are steps you can take to make the process go a little smoother. Contact us and we will help you determine what you can do.
Submitting Digital Files
Submitting Job Fonts